
The Big River Mix-Up part 6 of 6

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Part 1


Part 2

37 Years Ago

Part 3

10 Years Ago

Part 4

2 Months Ago

Part 5

1 Month Ago


Right Now

Voters in Montana are choosing their new governor today.

Today is election day in Montana, and voters are choosing the new governor, right now.  Will they choose Patty, in spite of the strange events in Las Vegas?  Or will they elect her opponent, a good friend of Justin's, who is sure to build the dam?

Next Year

A dam will be built if Patty loses today.

The future is never sure!

If Patty loses, the dam will be built, and the Big River Valley will be changed forever.  If she wins, the Big River Valley will remain an untouched wilderness.

Patty will be living in a tent if she loses the election.  If she wins, she'll be living in the governor's mansion in the capital of Montana. 


If she loses the election, Patty will be jobless, and living in a tent.  If she wins, she'll be living in the governor's mansion.

Justin will be making more money, or doing time in jail.

If Justin is caught, he may be in jail next year. If he isn't caught, he and the UEC will be making huge profits.

Betty may be enjoying the bonus that Justin gave her -- another $150,000 dollars. Or, if the plot is uncovered, she may be in jail. 

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Betty could be in jail, or should could be spending a pleasant time in Hawaii.

Part 1


Part 2

37 Years Ago

Part 3

10 Years Ago

Part 4

2 Months Ago

Part 5

1 Month Ago


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