
The Big River Mix-Up part 4 of 6

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Part 1


Part 2

37 Years Ago

Part 3

10 Years Ago


Part 5

1 Month Ago

Part 6

Now and the Future

Two Months Ago

Justin promised the directors of UEC that the company would build a dam on the Big River.  "Our plan cannot fail!  The dam will be built in Montana!"  he told the brass.  This would allow UEC to generate a lot of electricity -- and, of course, to make lots of money.  He realized that some politicians in Montana didn't want the dam, but, always creative, he had a plan for dealing with them!


Justin promised the damn to his directors.

Candidate Patty opposed the damn.

Patty was running for governor of the state of Montana. Still an ardent environmentalist, she promised voters that UEC would never be allowed to build a dam on the Big River as long as she had the power to stop it.  "There'll be no dam if you elect me governor!" she told the supporter on the left.

Of course, this meant that Patty and Justin were enemies!  To Justin, nothing mattered but money.  He wanted that dam.  To Patty, who never lost her love of the wild, nothing mattered but the protection of the valley.


One day, Justin bumped into Betty in the hall at UEC.  He suddenly realized that Betty looked exactly like Patty, his enemy in Montana -- except for her hair, which was a different style and color.

Much to Betty's surprise, Justin asked her for a date.  And then another, and then another.  Justin had no romantic interest in Betty at all, but she fell head over heels in love with him

One night, Justin took Betty to an especially romantic restaurant.  During dinner, he asked her to go to Las Vegas.  "Darling," he said,"if you help the company, you will benefit, too."  Then he told her the strange role she would play:  He would give her $150,000, and her job would be to lose it -- all of it!  

Oddly, he asked her to go to a beauty shop and have her hair color and style changed. At first Betty didn't want to do it. She thought it was just too strange!  She couldn't imagine why he would want her to do that.  But she was in love, and she finally accepted.

Justin took Betty out for a romantic dinner, even though he had no interest in her romantically!

With no idea that she had a twin sister -- an important Montana politician, at that -- Betty didn't realize that her Las Vegas trip was part of a trick to make Patty look bad in the eyes of Montana voters.  Being deeply in love, Betty preferred not to ask too many questions.

The Big River Valley was completely unchanged.

The Big River Valley was just the same as it had been for thousands of years.


Part 1


Part 2

37 Years Ago

Part 3

10 Years Ago


Part 5

1 Month Ago

Part 6

Now and the Future
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