
The Big River Mix-Up part 3 of 6

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Part 1


Part 2

37 Years Ago


Part 4

2 Months Ago

Part 5

 1 Month Ago

Part 6

Now and the Future

10 Years Ago

Betty was a young secretary working at UEC in Chicago.  She still had no knowledge of her twin sister.  She had seen Justin once or twice from a distance, but the rising young executive and she never spoke.

Betty got a good job as a secretary in a big energy company.

Justin was a successful young manager at UEC.

For his part, Justin was having an impact on UEC.  The picture on the left shows Justin addressing a meeting of UEC's top management.  The company brass realized that the profits were largely due to Justin's work, and he got a big promotion soon afterwards.  Justin was also getting a reputation for doing whatever was necessary to make a profit.

Patty had stayed in Montana and become a well-known environmentalist. An excellent speaker, she was becoming a leader in Montana politics.  She often gave speeches like this one, stressing the importance of saving the forests. 

Patty was becoming a prominent environmentalist in Montana.

The Big River Valley was completely unchanged.

The Big River Valley was just the same as it had been for thousands of years.


Part 1


Part 2

37 Years Ago


Part 4

2 Months Ago

Part 5

 1 Month Ago

Part 6

Now and the Future
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