


Crossword Puzzle

A Special School in Oakland

English Zoom Home Advanced Reading

Click on a word, either across or down, that you want to solve.  The clue for that word will appear to the right of the puzzle.  You will see asterisks and some letters to help you; for example, if the word is "important", you may see _ _p _ _ _t _ _ t.

Type the letters of your answer and hit ENTER.   You can check your answers at any time by clicking "check puzzle" in the lower left hand corner of the puzzle.  Incorrect letters will be red. Clues with a dollar sign after them are for words in  the article "Public School Tries Out Military-Style Discipline" by L. W. Knox.


You must have a Java plugin installed and enabled to be able to use this interactive crossword puzzle. If you do have Java installed, it may be disabled, or there could have been a problem downloading the Java applet that this puzzle needs.

Note that Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6 do not come with Java pre-installed. You can get a Java plugin at the official Java website.

Create crosswords for free with EclipseCrossword. Download it today and you can be making your own crossword puzzle in minutes!

Page contents other than the programming from www.eclipsecrossword.com Copyright (c) 2002-3 Thomas Sheehan. All Rights Reserved.
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