
English Zoom!!!


Noun Clauses 2

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Some items in this exercise are based on the story

The Big River Mix-Up

That the river valley is beautiful cannot be denied.

Read the whole story!

Directions: Click the words in the order they go in a sentence. Sometimes, you may not use all the words. Sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period. If your sentence is not correct, click CLEAR and try again. Some items can be done in more than one way. After you do it right, you may want to CLEAR and try it again in another way. If you need help, click HELP. If you want a dictionary, try Longman , Encarta or Newbury House .

The JavaScript powering this exercise is adapted from the work of Dennie Hoppingarner at The Game-O-Matic.
Page contents other than Dennie Hoopingarner's Java Script programming Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Sheehan. All Rights Reserved.
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