
English Zoom!!!


Marian's Wedding

A Summary

Directions: Type the correct word for each blank to complete the summary of Marian Hyun's article "My Husband, the Outsider". After the first blank, use the TAB key to go to the next one. If your answer is not correct, you see equal signs. For example, == means the correct answer has two letters. === means the correct answer has three letters.

If you want listening practice on this topic, try Story Board: Marian Hyun's Wedding after you do this exercise. Dictionaries: Longman , Encarta , or Newbury House .

My Husband, the Outsider

Marian Hyun an American-born Korean married a non-Korean American small, non-traditional in spite objections family. Her had dreamed a wealthy Korean a son-in-law. He felt pressure a large, traditional and invite he knew. Her mother to get to date the son a friend. She with him but couldn`t him. He was traditional and wanted to traditional, too. Her aunts to her from being an maid by the twenty-six. refused admit the of a non-Korean the . In the , her father the Irish-Ukranian son-in-law was grateful the wedding ceremony.
The JavaScript powering this exercise is the work of Dennie Hoppingarner at The Game-O-Matic. Dennie based his work on George Mitrevski's original CLOZE code.
Page contents other than the Java Script programming Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Sheehan. All Rights Reserved.
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