
English Zoom!!!

Story Board

Gross National Product (GNP)

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Each equal (===) sign below is in the place of a letter. The letters make up words in a text or dialogue. Click READ or LISTEN to study the text. Then, in the small box, type one (1) of the words in the text. After you type the word, click CHECK (or hit RETURN or ENTER). If the word is in the text, it will appear in the correct place in the text. If the word is not in the text, it will appear in the smaller box on the right. Note: Pay attention to capital and small letters. The word the and the word The are different! Dictionaries: Longman , Encarta , or Newbury House . Storyboard

Type 1 word from the story and click CHECK :

Correct words appear here Incorrect words appear here

Teachers: You may want to try these variations with this activity:

This exercise was created at The Game-O-Matic. Programming by Dennie Hoopingarner, used with his permission.
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Page contents other than Dennie Hoopingarner's Java Script programming Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Sheehan. All Rights Reserved.
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